![WinTools.net Premium 14.0 RePack (& portable) by KpoJIuK [Multi/Ru] WinTools.net Premium 14.0 RePack (& portable) by KpoJIuK [Multi/Ru]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tVrmQjBR6jl_8EzdY9KiHR40Q8APrCFcaCr66GEWQiwA_CTA-3aRgzUEDIWD415jMXLYcxoZA0hETqynIdxgiM_PGBYgBhOL6x13My9vG9HRry5IyhuKdQ2wCEinq8Vi2iyH3KQGh9SDgJQD32d2pulM-32jFehbxJZsMBDR0c6agBhQ=s0-d)
Versiya programmy: 14.0
Ofitsial'nyy sayt: Godlike Developers
YAzyk interfeysa: Russkiy, Angliyskiy, i drugiye
Lecheniye: ne trebuyetsya
Sistemnyye trebovaniya:Windows 8/7/VISTA/XP/2k/2k3/2k8 x86 x64
Opisaniye: WinTools.net – nabor instrumentov dlya optimizatsii operatsionnoy sistemy Windows. V sostav programmy vkhodyat komponenty dlya polnogo udaleniya nezhelatel'nykh programm i «mertvykh» ssylok reyestra, a takzhe dlya kontrolya protsessov, nastroyki sistemy, internet-soyedineniy i interfeysa. Krome togo, imeyutsya utility dlya nadezhnogo khraneniya konfidentsial'noy informatsii.
Dopolnitel'naya informatsiya:
WinTools.net: Clean Uninstaller
Pri deinstallyatsii razlichnogo programmnogo obespecheniya, na zhostkom diske ochen' chasto ostayutsya vremennyye fayly i fayly ne udalonnyye v protsesse deinstallyatsii. Eti fayly boleye ne budut ispol'zovat'sya i tol'ko zanimayut diskovoye prostranstvo i umen'shayut vremya dostupa k disku. S pomoshch'yu instrumenta ”Clean Uninstaller” vozmozhno reshit' etu problemu, a takzhe prokontrolirovat' protsess installyatsii programm i uznat' kakiye fayly i kuda byli zapisany i kakiye izmeneniya proizoshli v reyestre Windows i v sistemnykh faylakh posle installyatsii.
WinTools.net: Scan Files
Pri rabote razlichnykh programm na zhostkom diske sozdayutsya vremennyye fayly neobkhodimyye dlya ikh pravil'noy raboty. Dostatochno chasto proiskhodyat situatsii, kogda vremennyye fayly ne udalyayutsya (zavisaniye komp'yutera ili programm, ne korrektnyy vykhod iz programmy ili sistemy) i ostayutsya na zhestkom diske zakhlamlyaya yego i bezosnovatel'no zanimaya prostranstvo. Inogda bol'shoye kolichestvo vremennykh faylov zamedlyayet zagruzku komp'yutera i rabotu v tselom. Dlya periodicheskoy ochistki komp'yutera ot vremennykh i ne ispol'zuyemykh faylov sluzhit instrument «Scan Files».
WinTools.net: Scan Registry
Mnogiye programmy ispol'zuyut reyestr Windows dlya khraneniya sobstvennykh nastroyek, dobavlyaya novyye rasshireniya faylov, ustanavlivaya sobstvennyye komponenty. No posle deinstallyatsii etikh programm ochen' chasto zapisi o nikh ne udalyayutsya i ostayutsya v reyestre. Eti zapisi boleye ne budut ispol'zovat'sya, no oni zanimayut mesto. Reyestr Windows pri installyatsii/deinstallyatsii stanovitsya vso bol'she i bol'she, tem samym ukhudshaya proizvoditel'nost' komp'yutera i vremya dostupa rabochikh programm k reyestru. Instrument «Scan Registry» prednaznachen dlya periodicheskoy ochistki reyestra i ispravleniya ne vernykh zapisey.
WinTools.net: StartUp Manager
Mnogiye programmy schitayut sebya naiboleye vazhnymi programmami v sisteme, pomeshchayut sebya v avtozagruzku i System Tray sistemy, bezosnovatel'no raskhoduya resursy sistemy – zabivaya operativnuyu pamyat' i umen'shaya proizvoditel'nost' protsessora. Kak pravilo takiye programmy propisyvayut informatsiyu o sebe ne v papke «Avtozagruzka» menyu Pusk, a v reyestre Windows, ne ostavlyaya pol'zovatelyu pravo vybora i uslozhnyaya protsess kontrolya za avtozagruzkoy. Instrument «Start Up» sledit za vsemi zapisyami ob avtozagruzke i pozvolyayet udalyat'/dobavlyat' i vremenno otklyuchat' zapisi.
WinTools.net: Tweak UI
Nabor dopolnitel'nykh nastroyek i vozmozhnostey, vliyayushchikh na bezopasnost', proizvoditel'nost' i udobstvo ispol'zovaniya operatsionnoy sistemy i ne vkhodyashchikh v standartnuyu postavku MS Windows. Nastroyki podrazdeleny na shest' grupp, kazhdyye iz kotorykh razbity na podgruppy v tselyakh uproshcheniya navigatsii:
Obshchiye – nastroyki pozvolyayushchiye menyat' sistemnyye papki i registratsionnuyu informatsiyu
Ekran – nabor nastroyek rabochego stola
Sistema – sistemnyye ustanovki, sposoby zagruzki sistemy i ustroystv
Pusk – izmeneniye vida menyu Pusk
Okhrana – nastroyka bezopasnosti sistemy
Kontrol' – menedzher paneley upravleniya sistemy.
Novoye v versii 14.0:
Ispravleniye oshibok skanirovaniya pamyati
Dobavlena sovmestimost' s Windows 8.1
Neznachitel'nyye izmeneniya interfeysa
Obnovleny lng-fayly
Osobennosti versii:
Tip: ustanovka, raspakovka portable [Punsh]
YAzyki: mul'ti, yest' russkiy i ukrainskiy
Lecheniye: provedeno [crack-wequ]
Klyuchi komandnoy stroki:
Tikhaya ustanovka: /S /I
Raspakovka portable: /S /P
Ne sozdavat' yarlyk na rabochem stole: /ND
Ne sozdavat' yarlyk v menyu «Pusk»: /NS
Vybor mesta ustanovki: /D=PUT'
Klyuch /D=PUT' sleduyet ukazyvat' samym poslednim
Naprimer: WinTools.net.Premium.v14.0.exe /S /I /D=C:\MyProgram
Program Version: 14.0
Official site : Godlike Developers
Language: Russian , English, and other
Treatment: not required
System requirements : Windows 8/7/VISTA/XP/2k/2k3/2k8 x86 x64
Description : WinTools.net - suite of tools for increasing the operating system Windows. The program includes components for the complete removal of unwanted programs and "dead" references from the registry , and to control processes , system settings , internet connections and interfaces . In addition, there are utilities for secure storage of confidential information.
Additional Information:
WinTools.net: Clean Uninstaller
When you uninstall different software on the hard drive very often remain temporary files and files not deleted during uninstall . These files are no longer used, they take up disk space and reduce disk access time . With the tool "Clean Uninstaller" you can solve that problem , as well as to monitor the process of installing programs and find out what files and which were written and what changes have occurred in the Windows registry and system files during installation .
WinTools.net: Scan Files
When different programs on your hard drive creates temporary files necessary for the proper operation . Quite often the situation where temporary files are not deleted (of your computer , not the correct way out of a program or system ) and remain on the hard drive and sometimes slowing the occupying space . Sometimes a large number of temporary files slow down your computer, and work in general. For periodic cleaning of the computer from temporary and unused files is a tool «Scan Files».
WinTools.net: Scan Registry
Many programs use the Windows registry to store your own settings , adding new file extensions , setting their own components . But after uninstalling these programs very often write about them are not deleted and remain in the registry . These records are no longer used, but they take place. Windows registry during installation / uninstallation is becoming more and more, thereby worsening the performance of your computer time and program access the registry. Tool «Scan Registry» is intended for periodic cleaning of the registry and for correcting records .
WinTools.net: StartUp Manager
Many applications consider themselves the most important programs in the system , place themselves in startup and System Tray system unnecessarily consuming system resources - memory and reducing processor . Typically, such programs write information about themselves not in the " Startup" Start Menu and registry Windows, leaving no option to the user and complicating the process of monitoring autoloading . Tool «Start Up» monitors all records about the startup and allows you to remove / add and temporarily disable the account .
WinTools.net: Tweak UI
Set additional options and opportunities that affect the safety , performance, and usability of the operating system and not included in standard delivery MS Windows. Settings are divided into six groups , each of which is divided into subgroups in order to simplify navigation :
Global - adjustments allow for changing system files and registration information
Screen - set desktop
System - system settings , how to load the system and devices
Start - the change of the Start menu
Security - Security Configuration System
Control - Manager control panel system.
New in version 14.0 :
Error correction memory scan
Added compatibility with Windows 8.1
Minor UI changes
Updated lng- files
Version Features :
Type : installation, unpacking portable [Punsh]
Languages: multi , there is Russian and Ukrainian
Treatment: done [crack-wequ]
Command line options:
Silent Installation : / S / I
Unpacking portable: / S / P
Do not create a shortcut on your desktop : / ND
Do not create a shortcut in " Start »: / NS
Siting : / D = PATH
Key / D = path should be the latest
For example : WinTools.net.Premium.v14.0.exe / S / I / D = C: \ MyProgram